Saturday, June 29, 2013

Hell's Kitchen - Missoula

I had a Tupper Tantrum this morning.  You know what I'm talkin' about.  It happens when you open the cupboard and a piece of Tupperware falls out for the umpteenth time.  It's the breaking point, the last straw, beyond the pale.  It can no longer be tolerated.  I have had it out for that cupboard for a long time.  Things have got to change in "the cupboard with 3 blenders and I don't know if I have a coffee grinder."  I need 3 plastic storage containers, not 30.

The next thing I knew, all the Tupperware was in a big pile in the middle of the kitchen floor.  Tops with no bottoms, bottoms with no tops and lots of miscellaneous kitchen cupboard crap that I didn't even remember I had.  It had taken all of ten minutes to tear it apart and make a huge mess.  I thought I would take my own sweet time putting it back together, in a beautiful, calm, organized manner.  I imagined that, by Tuesday or Wednesday when my daughter Taylor arrived for a 4th of July visit, I would open the cupboard door and it would look like a photo spread in Perfect Home Magazine: this month, featuring "The Merrill home of Missoula, Montana" A place for everything and everything in it's place.

Then the phone rang.  Taylor announced that she would be in Missoula on Monday, or -- what the heck?  Maybe even Sunday.  Wait, that's tomorrow!  Excuse me.  I need to go shove a lot of crap back into the kitchen cupboard before she gets here.

I'm through with you, Tupperware! 
I got one nerve left, and Ziplock, you're gettin' on it. 
Watch out Rubbermaid, your time is coming. 
Who knows? The next to go might be the pots and pans.

1 comment:

  1. HA! You make me laugh! I can't tell say how many times I've organized the plastics "for the last time." The stuff has a mind of its own.

    But never mind the Tupperware, pour a cool drink and have a great time with Taylor!
